
About Us


『品質第一,顧客至上』廣昱研磨材料有限公司創立於1980年成立,是台灣 本土企業。楊其福先生是本公司的創辦人,累積數十年的研磨相關材料的專 業知識,ㄧ直致力於研磨材料的開發,製造以及各類的銷售。在本公司幾十 年的努力打造下,極力於滿足客戶的各類需求,與力求高品質產品呈現,如今 本公司在研磨材料市場,無論在價格、品質、技術上皆達國際水準之上,並 且獲得國內外各大廠的認證以及長期配合。

Company background

Goang Yuh Grinded Material Co. Ltd is a local manufacturer founded in 1980. Our company upholds the principle of “Quality and customers always come first”. Mr Chi-fu Yang is the founder of the company who has been involved in abrasive field for decades, and continually develops and pursues high quality of the products and services. After years of constant efforts, we are successful in satisfying various needs of the customers and produce high-quality products to them. We are now up to international level in terms of price, quality and technology and obtained valid plant certifications recognised by domestic and international companies. Long-term cooperation is what we seek for in the abrasive market.


本公司一直以來秉持的『品質保證,公司誠信對待,客戶第一』。堅持使用國 際最優等的原料品質,提供給客戶最佳的服務。

The Spirit of Enterprise We always adhere to 3 key principles: product quality guaranteed, credibility and customers come first. We also aim to provide the best services to our customers by using only the finest materials.


本公司的產品主要為拋光材料,拋光輪/布輪/砂輪/布輪…etc。最主要的用 途在於各類金屬製品製造過程中的拋光程序。

Company Product

Our company are professional producing the abrasive/ grinded material for polishing procedures, such as: Sisal Buffs, Cotton Buss, Wavy Sisal Buffs...etc.
